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The Safety Slate.

We are listening to the residents and businesses and will put you first.

Phil Brock

Mayor of Santa Monica

Councilmember Phil Brock was elected to the Santa Monica City Council in 2020. A second-generation Santa Monica resident with strong community ties, he is honored to serve his fellow residents as a member of the City Council. Councilmember Brock is currently serving a one-year term as Mayor from December 2023 through December 2024. 

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John Putnam

Business Owner

John Putnam’s journey from a stock boy to a leader in the fashion industry and civic service embodies his relentless dedication and creativity. For over 40 years, John has been at the forefront of fashion innovation with Putnam Accessory Group and Version MFG. Despite his global success, his heart remains with the Santa Monica community, where he actively supports local initiatives, from Thanksgiving meals to educational support. Learn more about John’s impactful work and vision for Santa Monica.

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Dr. Vivian Roknian

Dental Implant Surgeon, Business Owner

Dr. Roknian envisions a revitalized Santa Monica with a diverse, multi-generational and thriving population benefiting from renewed safety, inclusivity and economic opportunity. Her commitment to practical, innovative solutions is fueled by a long-running personal connection to Santa Monica and hands-on experience as an entrepreneur launching and running businesses. Inspired by her young son and growing family in Santa Monica, Dr. Roknian is dedicated to driving meaningful and lasting change in the city that ensures a flourishing community for the next generation.  

500 Terry Francine Street, 6th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94158

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Oscar de la Torre

Councilman, City of Santa Monica

In 2020, I ran for Santa Monica City Council because Santa Monica City Hall had mismanaged our City resulting in the erosion of public safety, hurting local businesses, homeowners and renters alike! Since then I have worked to fix those problems by: hiring more police officers, contracting private security for the 3rd Street Promenade, strengthening services to transition mentally ill/unhoused individuals off our streets. In the 2020 election, voters in Santa Monica made history by electing a City Council that prioritizes the needs of residents, not special interests. In this upcoming election we have an opportunity to continue the movement for a safer and cleaner Santa Monica.


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Our Platform


Address the Homeless Crisis

Address the challenges of mental health and substance abuse among Santa Monica's transient populations effectively while ensuring that the surrounding jurisdictions - including the County - do their fair share.


Public Safety

Provide our local Law Enforcement and Fire Department with the necessary resources and support to safeguard residents and businesses.


Bring Back Commercial Districts

We will support our locally-owned small businesses and restaurants. They are the lifeblood of our community, providing good jobs for local residents and generating city tax revenue.


Protect Rent Control

Renters in Santa Monica enjoy rent and eviction protections guaranteed by law.  We are committed to providing renters with both the advantages of the current law and the opportunity to own their apartments and  financially flourish.

3. Revitalizing Our Downtown Must Be a TOP Priority. .jpg

Our Vision


Affordable Housing

​As a slate, we most certainly support rent control and all residents of our beachside city. We will support programs that will allow more tenants to buy and own their rented apartments and be able to thrive in Santa Monica.


Fiscal Responsibiliy

Foster an agile and accountable city government that prioritizes the needs and well-being of the community and long-term financial stability.


Clean Up Parks and Beaches

A holistic crime prevention policy that combines enhanced public safety, revitalization of our open commercial spaces and ensuring safe recreational spaces for our children and residents which includes our parks.


Pathways to Affordable Home Ownership

Advocate for innovative programs which create a pathway for tenants to own their units.

Endorsed by

 Local network led advocating for positive change at the local level. We are unifying local business owners, neighborhood groups, and other community leaders to create a new political force in Santa Monica.

The Candidates

"Our citizens have wisdom; they know why they moved to this place and what they want the future of Santa Monica to be."


Get in Touch

Reach Out to Us Today

For inquiries or feedback, feel free to contact us. We value your input and are here to address any questions regarding the candidates or our campaign.

Contact Information

Copyright Democrats for a Safer Santa Monica 2024

Paid for by John Putnam for Santa Monica City Council 2024 ID#1470947 

Paid for by Committee to Elect
Phil Brock For City Council  
ID #1428992 

Paid for by Dr. Vivian Roknian for Santa Monica City Council 2024, FPPC ID# 1470949

Paid for by Oscar de la Torre For City Council  
ID #1473802

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